There where also some problems with the DBUS configuration for powersave. As it look the desktopuser is not in the group at_console - thus I needed to open the powersave interface for default. Btw. now powersave and KPowersave work on Mandriva. I released packages for ix86 on the project home on sourceforge.net.
There are some point to consider if you install (K)powersave on Mandriva:
- you need to update HAL (>=, DBUS (>=0.61) and install cpufrequtils (>=0.4) via RpmDrake from Cooker
- if you use a ACPI machine you need acpid
- you have the choise, uninstall these packages or be sure that the related services are not running parallel to powersave: apmd, cpufreq, cpufreqd, powernowd . If you not stop/remove these services you can get in races with the powersave daemon
- currenly the user need to add powersaved manually to the boot process wirth chkconfig. At the moment I do this not automatically while install the rpm.