Monday, August 30, 2010

How to calibrate your TabletPC

Since a while e.g. the X11 driver for Wacom tablets should work out of the box, no calibration needed. I didn't test other tablet/touchscreen drivers in the last time, but I assume also some other should work out of the box. But sometimes you still need to calibrate your device.

But how do you calibrate e.g. your wacom tablet on a openSUSE 11.3 or Factory, since there is no wacomcpl anymore in the package, which was used in the past? And how about a evdev based device? Simply use xinput_calibrator. You can get the package for openSUSE from my openSUSE buildservice repo

After installation follow these steps on shell:
# check if xinput_calibrator found any device
user@tablet:~> xinput_calibrator --list
Device "Wacom ISDv4 90 Pen" id=10

# start calib.: for multiple devices use --device option
user@tablet:~> xinput_calibrator
You get this screen, follow the instructions:
You get some output with some instructions as soon as you finished the procedure. The preferred way to setup the tablet/touchscreen with the calibration data is coping a snippet from the output into '/etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/99-calibration.conf' (as root). Here an example for such a snippet:
Section "InputClass"
        Identifier      "calibration"
        MatchProduct    "Wacom ISDv4 90 Pen"
        Option  "MinX"  "0"
        Option  "MaxX"  "28606"
        Option  "MinY"  "0"
        Option  "MaxY"  "17876"
You may need to restart your X-server after setting up the file. If it doesn't work checkout the instructions in the output for other ways to setup the changes.
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Thursday, August 19, 2010

Hacking osc (4)

Here's what some of the major stuff I did on osc in the last weeks:
  • changed 'osc request revoke' (and also reopen, accept, decline, wipe, revoke) to check the actual state and ask the user to prevent set the same state twice [1]
  • added new command 'osc requestmaintainership' as shortcut for 'osc creq -a add_role USER maintainer PROJECT PACKAGE' since this command is hard to find for (new) users [2]
  • changed 'osc request show' to show add_role request info more verbose including requested person/group and the requested role [3]
  • fix output of 'osc buildinfo' if parameters are missing, show only the available repos (and not the arch) if called from a checked out package [4]
  • updated osc.complete, added all existing commands to list [5]
  • added new command 'osc distributions' to get info about active distributions [6]
  • some changes to respect 'osc -A' and to reuse apiurl instead of reading it again and again from config [7][8]
  • changed 'osc repos' to filter out disabled repos of a package [9]
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