This time I have submitted a proposal together with WDLabs:
- Next Generation Hardware for Software Defined Storage - Software Defined Storage like Ceph has changed the storage market dramatically in the last few years. While software has changed, storage hardware stayed basically the same: commodity servers connected to JBODs utilizing SAS/SATA devices. The next step must be a revolution in the hardware too. At the Austin summit the Ceph community presented a 4 PB Ceph cluster comprised of WDLabs Converged Microservers. Each Microserver is built by starting with an HGST HE8 HDD platform and adding an ARM and DDR running Linux on the drives itself. WDLabs provided access to early production devices for key customers such as Deutsche Telekom for adoption and feedback. This talk will provide insight into our findings running a Ceph cluster on this platform as a storage provider to OpenStack.
This period the voting process changed again unique URLs to proposals seems to work again. So if you would like to vote for my talk use this link or search for the proposal (e.g. use the title from above or search for "Al-Gaaf"). As always: every vote is highly welcome!
As the last times I highly recommend to search also for "Ceph" or what ever topic your are interested in. You find the voting page here with all proposals and abstracts. I'm looking forward to see if and which of these talks will be selected.